1 麦当娜

As the 69th Venice Film Festival kicks off, see which stars rocked the red carpet to perfection at Venice Film Festivals past.

These days, we're relieved when we see Madonna wearing anything other than fishnets and thigh highs, but this embellished Vionnet dress, worn for the premiere of her film W.E. in 2011 and styled with glittery Miu Miu shades and 40s-era hair, was a total success and the best we've seen from her on the red carpet in a long time.

当流行天后麦当娜2011年以导演身份出现威尼斯电影节上,出席她的新片《倾国之恋》的红毯首映式时,这件藕荷色饰红色蝴蝶图案的高腰长裙与另类闪亮的Miu Miu墨镜,搭配40年代的复古发型,实在是令人惊艳不已。

2 海耶克

Salma Hayek knows how to make the most of being Mrs. Pinault by wowing on the red carpet in PPR's treasure trove of top fashion brands, like this striking organza dress from Gucci Première, which the actress wore to the 2011 Gucci Award for Women in Cinema event.

3 克劳馥

Cindy Crawford looked red hot as she sizzled in a scarlet Roberto Cavalli number at the premiere of The Ides of March at the 68th Venice Film Festival in 2011.
2011年第68届威尼斯国际电影节上,由乔治·克鲁尼自导自演的新片《总统杀局》作为开幕影片亮相,前来助阵的超模辛迪·克劳馥身穿一件火红色的Roberto Cavalli红色单肩纱裙,搭配银色Chopard珠宝,让她更显星光熠熠。

4 奈特莉

Keira Knightley swapped her wardrobe of frothy Valentino and Chanel frocks when she stepped out for the photo call of her film, A Dangerous Method, rocking this head-turning Mary Katrantzou print dress with her sleek bob at the Venice Film Festival in 2011.
2011年第68届威尼斯电影节,携影片《危险方法》而来的英国女星凯拉·奈特利换下了她一向偏爱的华伦天奴或是香奈儿品牌礼服,身穿Mary Katrantzou印花包身连衣裙亮相,犀利短发和苗条身段、脚踏高跟鞋,备显时尚个性。

5 罗莎曼德

Rosamund Pike reminded us that black is anything but basic in this sexy side cutout gown by Gucci, which she chose for a screening of Barney's Version in 2010.

6 科波拉

Not only did Sofia Coppola take home the top Golden Lion prize for her film Somewhere in 2010, she also scored serious fashion points with her quirky-yet-playful style in a Louis Vuitton printed prom dress which she wore to the closing ceremony.
2010年的威尼斯国际电影节上,好莱坞女导演索菲娅·科波拉不仅凭借电影《在某处》捧回了金狮大奖,她极具个性又离奇幽默的红毯时尚风格也给人们留下了深刻的印象,特别是她在闭幕式上穿的这件路易威登(Louis Vuitton)印花短裙。

7 波特曼

The Black Swan star paid homage to the film's costume designers, the Mulleavy sisters (of Rodarte), when she stepped out in a cutout embellished red dress for the movie's screening at the 67th Venice Film Festival in 2010.
2010年,好莱坞女星娜塔莉·波特曼亮相威尼斯电影节开幕片《黑天鹅》的红毯首映式时,身穿一件饰有Swarovski水晶的正红色罗达特(Rodarte)礼服长裙,并搭配白色迪奥(Dior)手抓包,仪态优雅笑靥如花,宛如一只天鹅掠过红毯,留下惊鸿艳影。同时,这件礼服还是为了向这部由娜塔莉主演电影的服装设计师——Mulleavy Sisters品牌Rodarte的创始人Laura Mulleavy和Kate Mulleavy姐妹致敬。

8 米歇尔

Michelle Williams looked every bit the sophisticate in New York designer Jason Wu's elegant silk chiffon gown at the Meek's Cutoff premiere in 2010. She kept her indie spirit alive with her signature cropped, platinum blonde pixie cut.
2010年威尼斯电影节,影片《米克的近路》红毯首映式上,在著名纽约设计师Jason Wu这袭典雅别致丝绸礼服的映衬下,娇小美丽的好莱坞女星米歇尔·威廉姆斯看起来更加知性大方,而一头俏丽个性的淡金色短发则彰显了她身上的独立精神。

9 朱利安

At the premiere for A Single Man in 2009 (the 66th Venice Film Festival), Julianne looked radiant in a plunge-neck emerald green Tom Ford gown with statement front split. A strappy sandal and bold red lip helped complete her vampish, Old Hollywood glamour girl look.

a 黛安

Always one to look impeccable on the red carpet, Diane's best Venice Film Festival fashion moment was in 2008, when she wore this Grecian-inspired Valentino Couture gown to the premiere of the designer's documentary, Valentino: The Last Emperor.

b 克劳迪娅

The supermodel went for the draped Grecian goddess look in grey Alberta Ferretti at the premiere of Coen Brothers' film, Burn After Reading, in 2008.
2008年威尼斯电影节上,著名导演马修·沃恩妻子、德国超级名模克劳迪娅·希弗身着一件灰色Alberta Ferretti长裙和路易·威登手包、Alberta Ferretti and Chopard设计的高定手表走上红毯,助阵科恩兄弟导演当年的新作《阅后即焚》。

c 查理兹

Back in 2008, Charlize brought some serious sparkle to the red carpet in a high-octane, one-shouldered silver Versace gown, which she wore to the premiere of her film, The Burning Plain.
2008年威尼斯电影节上,“南非美钻”查理兹·塞隆在自己的新片《燃烧的平原》红毯首映式上,身着一件Atelier Versace银色单肩晚礼服亮相,堪称是当年最完美的女神造型。

d 安妮

Sometimes it pays to go OTT on the red carpet. Anne Hathaway blew everyone away in this ruffle-embellished Atelier Versace strapless gown, which she picked back in 2008 for the premiere of Rachel Getting Married.

e 埃文·伍德

In 2008, Evan attended the Venice premiere of her acclaimed film The Wrestler in a gorgeous, jewel-embellished Monique Lhuillier gown - a far cry from her usual black eyeliner-wearing, Marilyn Manson-dating alter-ego.
2008年第65届威尼斯国际电影节上,年轻女星埃文·蕾切尔·伍德携影片《摔跤王》而来,身穿一袭高贵典雅由珠宝修饰的Monique Lhuillier礼服裙,尽显高贵与叛逆之美,更是与她此前和个性艺人玛丽莲·曼恩约会时常见的黑色眼线装扮判若两人。

f 奈特莉 (2)

As the face of Chanel, Keira Knightley was pretty in pink in a stunning strapless Chanel Couture frock for the premiere of her film Atonement in 2007.

g 米伦

Dame Helen knows that age-appropriate red carpet dressing doesn't mean skimping on glamour or sex appeal. She delivered a pitch-perfect performance in shimmering white sequins and a chiffon wrap at the premiere of The Queen in 2006.

h 蕾切尔

Rachel set the red carpet aglitter in this gold beaded frock which she wore to the premiere of her film, The Constant Gardener, in 2005.

i 米勒

Back in 2005, Sienna Miller proved she can do high-fashion just as well as boho street style when she walked the red carpet of her film Casanova in this strapless, draped dress by Christian Dior.
早在2005年的威尼斯电影节红毯上,被誉为欧洲最会穿衣服的英国女星西耶娜·米勒,在为自己的新片《卡萨诺瓦》做宣传时,便用一条深灰色的露肩褶皱Christian Dior高订礼服裙,证明了自己除了独特的放荡不羁的街拍风格之外,也能够驾驭高贵典雅的红毯风格。

j 基德曼

Nicole Kidman looked statuesque in strapless dove grey Gucci back in 2004, at the premiere of her film Birth.

k 娜奥米

Proving that the LBD is anything but boring - if it's got a thigh-high split and bodice cutouts - Naomi Watts went for maximum sex appeal at the premiere of her film 21 Grams back in 2003.