it's always smart to prepare for any natural disaster given how unpredictable nature can be. Whether it be preparing for an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, or snowstorm, below are basic suggestions for what to keep in your disaster supply kit:

1. Water. It's recommended to have one gallon of water per day per person. You should keep at least three gallons each per person at home.

2. Food. You should have at least three day's worth of food. Concentrate on non-perishable food that doesn't require refrigeration or much prep. Consider cereal, ready-to-eat canned fruits, juice, and meat. Remember to have vitamins and special supplies around for anyone with special needs, such as pets, babies, and the elderly.

3. Medication.Have some extra medication on hand for times when disaster strikes and you can't leave your home to refill your prescription. Remember to also store over-the-counter medication like painkillers, alkal seltzer,laxatives, anti-diarrhea medication.

4. First aid kit.It should have latex gloves, gauze pads, thermometer, sterile bandages, band-aids, petroleum jelly, salve for burns, adhesive tape, towelettes and instant cold packs.

5. Tools and supplies.This includes items such as candles, matches in a waterproof container, scissors, tweezers, a sewing kit, flashlight, extra batteries, small fire extinguisher, a manual can opener, and a wrench to turn off gas. Be sure to also have a map of the area in case you need to look for a shelter.