Today's advice comes from Simon North, co-author of the eBook How to Get the Job You Want:
今天MBA小课堂的嘉宾是电子书《如何得到理想工作》的合著者Simon North:

"Often micromanagers are oblivious to the effect they are having on other people. They actually think all their micromanaging is producing a better work product."

Micromanagers often feel pressure to produce and when someone on the team is not doing they share, the micromanager feels out of control. Consequently, they tend to lash and make unfair demands on everyone else, says North.

While micromanagers might have a good reason for their behavior, their actions are unproductive and demoralizing.

"Without being confrontational, find a way to let this person know how micromanagement affects you. A little levity could diffuse the tension. Or you might just ask how he or she thinks it feels to be second-guessed and mistrusted all the time."

