The multiple Oscar-winning filmmaker, Steven Spielberg has reportedly taken a meeting with Thor and Marvel’s The Avengers star Chris Hemsworth and decided that he wants the actor to play in his sci-fi/action film adaptation of Daniel H. Wilson’s book, ‘Robopocalypse’.

With an official April 25th, 2014 release date, Robopocalypse is set to be Spielberg’s next directorial project after Lincoln.

The script for the film version was penned by Drew Goddard, while Wilson was writing the novel of robot-human conflict. Australian action hero, Hemsworth already had a large role in Goddard’s feature directing debut, The Cabin in the Woods.

Robopocalypse is a technological thriller set in the future about an artificial intelligence known as Archos who goes online and takes over a network of machines that humans use; he starts a rebellion and the human race must find a way to survive the Robot War.

As for Hemsworth, he recently completed work on Ron Howard’s Rush, in which he plays famed Formula 1 driver James Hunt, and in just a couple of months he will reprise his most famous role in Thor: The Dark World.

沪江娱乐快讯:大导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格 (Steven Spielberg)最近约见了”雷神“克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 (Chris Hemsworth),决定让他来出演根据丹尼尔·H·威尔逊( Daniel H. Wilson)的小说《机器人启示录》(Robopocalypse)改编的同名科幻动作电影。


本片编剧是德鲁·高达( Drew Goddard),他将着手改编这部由丹尼尔·H·威尔逊创作的人机大战的作品。因《雷神》(Thor)和《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)等猛片窜红的澳洲男星 克里斯·海姆斯沃斯将在本片中再次出演动作英雄。这也是他和德鲁·高达继《林中小屋》(The Cabin in the Woods)后的再次合作。

《机器人启示录》是部高科技惊悚片,故事设置在未来世界,一个叫爱克斯( Archos)的人工智能机器人控制了本应由人类操作的机器人网络,从而制造了机器人的叛乱,而人类只能设法在机器人大战中生存下来。

克里斯·海姆斯沃斯刚刚结束在朗·霍华德 (Ron Howard)的新片《冲刺》(Rush )的拍摄,该片讲述的是F1著名赛车手詹姆斯·亨特(James Hunt)的故事。而在这之后的几个月,他又要投入《雷神2》(Thor: The Dark World )的拍摄。