成都、德阳、绵阳、广元、雅安、阿坝州6个重灾区受灾严重的40个县将延期举行 2008年普通高考,具体考试时间将视救灾情况另行确定。四川省教育厅副厅长何绍勇表示,目前最主要的就是组织高三学生复课,高一、高二学生暂时停课,把教室让给他们。由于重灾区教学设施损毁严重,今年高考四川的考生将免除考英语听力。


More than 500 students from Beichuan Middle School, whose 1,300 schoolmates and teachers were killed or missing in last week's massive earthquake, resumed classes on Monday.


The 508 students, who were to attend the college entrance exam in the near future, were relocated to Mianyang, Sichuan Province, after their school in Beichuan County was devastated in the earthquake.


上述报道中,resume classes就是“复课”的意思。Resume在这里用作动词,指restart or return to a previous location or condition,即“重新开始”或“恢复”。如果要表达“地震灾区多数电信服务已恢复”,我们就可以说:Most telecom services resume in quake-hit areas。此外,我们也可以用restore这个词来表达“恢复”的意思,比如:Power partly restored in quake-hit areas. (地震灾区供电部分恢复。)

Relocate这个词也要说一下,它一般表示move or establish in a new location(“迁址”或者“重新建立”),在这里是“安置”的意思。