A recent post on the DailyMuse outlined the most common business writing mistakes you don’t even know you are making. Before you draft your next email, consider the following examples of bad habits to avoid:

1. “btw, need u 2 sign tom. thx.”

Being too casual in an email may lead the receiver to think (A) you are unprofessional and not taking the conversation seriously, (B) too busy to address their needs, or (C) they may have no idea what the heck you are talking about in the first place. Business should always be handled with care and this can by done so by taking the time to properly communication regardless of how laid-back the environment is.

2. “It was a pleasure meeting you yesterday!! Looking forward to our next encounter! Take care!”

Exclamation points are sometimes 100% necessary in business emails to express enthusiasm and even good manners, but overusing this punctuation takes on a whole new and unwanted meaning. With one too many exclamation points, your positive attitude turns…. quite weird and unwelcoming.

3. Subject: Meeting

First, imagine how many emails professionals receive a day. Now, imagine how many emails professionals receive a day including the word “meeting.” Subject lines are the filtering mechanism and the best way to draw help the recipient distinguish the reason behind your email. Don’t be vague in your subject lines. It is your job to summarize the body of your email.




