Studies of Animal Behavior


Throughout China's long history, unusual behavior has been observed in every kind of common animal. Most of the behavior falls into the category of unusual restlessness and disorientation.


Since animals have the capability of acting as predictors of earthquakes, the Chinese scientists have carried out surveys of animal behavior variations prior to earthquakes. A team of scientists including biologists, geophysicists, chemists, meteorologists, and biophysicists conducted a survey in the Tangshan area and in 400 communes in 48 counties around it after the 1976 earthquake. The scientists visited a number of places that were hit by other destructive earthquakes and, through interviews and discussions with local people, collected information on over 2,000 cases of unusual animal behavior occurring prior to an earthquake. The majority of the reports involved domestic animals. Based on this survey a preliminary report was prepared by the Chinese identifying 58 kinds of domestic and wild animals that had demonstrated unusual behavior.

因为动物有预测地震的能力,中国科学家就动物在地震前的变化做了不少研究。在唐山大地震之后,一支由生物学家、地球物理学家、化学家、气象学家和生物物理 学家组成的科学家队伍在唐山及周边400家市镇和48个县作了调查,他们走访了遭受过其他大地震的地区,与当地百姓进行交谈和讨论,收集了2000余个关 于地震前动物反常的例子,而大多数例子涉及的是家畜。通过这一调查,科学家们可以初步确定有58种家养的和野生的动物在地震前表现出了异常反应。

The principal focus of research work in China has been on the behavior of pigeons. Biological studies on pigeons determined that a hundred tiny units exist between the tibia and fibula on a pigeon's leg. These nerve units are connected to the nerve center, and are very sensitive to vibrations. Scientists determined that prior to an earthquake of magnitude 4.0, which occurred in the area of the study, fifty pigeons that had severed connections between the tibia, fibula, and the nerve centers, remained calm before the earthquake, while those with normal connections became startled and flew away.

中国科学家们主要将研究的重点放在了鸽子上。生物研究指出在鸽子腿上的胫骨和腓骨之间有100个微小的神经元,这些神经元连至神经中心,对震动十分敏感。 科学家发现,在实验区发生了4.0级地震之前,50只鸽子隔断了胫骨、腓骨与神经中心的连接使之在地震前保持镇定,而那些没有这个能力的动物则因为受惊而 四处乱飞。

Because of the success in monitoring unusual animal behavior for the prediction of certain earthquakes, the Chinese, who have pioneered this work, have looked into ways to construct instruments that would duplicate the sensory organs of animals which were able to monitor, and sense, stimuli preceding an earthquake. Researchers found it very difficult to understand the mechanism of response stimuli. Physical or chemical stimuli come out of the earth prior to an earthquake and these must be the stimuli that animals can sense. For example, dogs may be able to hear the microfacturing of rocks a few milliseconds before a quake shock reaches the surface. Electromagnetic changes in the earth prior to an earthquake may be sensed by such animals as sharks and catfish which have low or high frequency receptors and sense such changes actively or passively. Also such electromagnetic field changes could be affecting migrating birds and the navigational ability of fish.
