The Use of Animals in Earthquake Prediction


Research being carried out in China has indicated that recognition of unusual animal behavior in a systematic way can lead and be used, in conjunction with other methods, as a means of predicting large and potentially destructive earthquakes. The following are examples of observed unusual animal behavior before major earthquakes occurred.


Unusual Animal Behavior


In 1920, the largest earthquake to hit China with a magnitude of 8.5 occurred in Haiyuan County, Ninghxia Province. According to reports of eyewitnesses, prior to this earthquake, wolves were seen running around in packs, dogs were barking unusually, and sparrows were flying around wildly. It is reported that prior to the 6.8 magnitude earthquake in 1966 in Hsingtai County, Hopei Province, in Northern China, all the dogs at a village near the epicenter had deserted their kennels and thus survived the disaster.

上个世纪20年代,宁夏省海原县发生里氏8.5级大地震,为史上之最。有目击者称,那次地震之前,他们看见大批狼群四处疯跑,狗狂叫,麻雀乱飞。还有报道 称,1966年河北省邢台市发生6.8级地震之前,位于震中的所有狗都弃舍而去,因而存活了下来。

Prior to the earthquake of July 18, 1969, (magnitude 7.4) in the Pohai Sea, unusual behavior was observed in seagulls, sharks, and five different species of fish. Based on observations of unusual behavior of giant pandas, deer, yaks, loaches, tigers and other animals, a warning was issued at the Tientsin People's Park Zoo, two hours before the earthquake struck.

1969年7月18日在渤海发生7.4级地震。震前,人们看到了海鸥、鲨鱼和其他五种动物的异常行为;在天津动物园人们还注意到了大熊猫、鹿、牦牛、泥 鳅、老虎和其他动物的异常行为。

The Chinese began to study systematically the unusual animal behavior, and the Haicheng earthquake of February 1975 was predicted successfully as early as in mid-December of 1974. The most unusual circumstance of animal behavior was that of snakes that came out of hibernation and froze on the surface of the earth. Also a group of rats appeared. These events were succeeded by a swarm of earthquakes at the end of December 1974. During the following month, in January 1975, thousands of reports of unusual animal behavior were received from the general area. Local people saw hibernating snakes coming out from their holes and into the snow. In the first three days in February the activity intensified even more and unusual behavior of the larger animals such as cows, horses, dogs and pigs was reported. On February 4, 1975, an earthquake of magnitude 7.3 struck the Haicheng County, Liaoning Province.

由于中国开始对动物异常行为进行系统的研究,1975年2月发生在海城地震早在1974年12月中旬就已被成功预测到。那一时期最不寻常的事情就是蛇从冬 眠中出来睡在土壤表面上,同时还出现了很多的老鼠,这些都是在12月末发生的一系列地震之后发生的。而在接下来的一个月,也就是1975年1月,当地就有 数千个动物行为反常的事件发生。当地百姓看见冬眠中的蛇从洞里爬出来钻进雪里。在2月份的前三天,这种异常事件变得尤其多,还有很多大型动物诸如牛、马、 狗、猪等也行为反常。然后在1975年2月4日,辽宁省海城市发生7.3级地震。

More instances of unusual animal behavior were reported. A stock breeder in northern China, feeding his animals before dawn on July 28, 1976, in the area of the Kaokechuang People's Commune, approximately 40 kilometers away from the city of Tangshan, reported that his horses and mules instead of eating were jumping and kicking until they finally broke loose and ran outside. A few seconds later, a dazzling white flash illuminated the sky. Tremendous rumbling noises were heard as a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the Tangshan area.

还有更多此类事件。1976年7月28日,距离唐山大约40公里之外的一个人民公社里,有一名牧人正在喂养牲畜。但是马和驴不但不吃草,反而又跳又踢挣脱 出了绳子向外面跑去。几秒钟之后,一道耀眼的白光照亮了天空,紧跟而来的就是巨大的隆隆声。唐山发生7.8级地震。

Other reports of unusual animal behavior prior to the occurrence of earthquakes have been reported in the literature and in books. Such unusual animal behavior included goats refusing to go into pens; cats and dogs picking up their offspring and carrying them outdoors; pigs squealing strangely; chickens dashing out of the coops in the middle of the night; fish dashing about aimlessly; and birds leaving their nests. It has also been reported that zoo animals refused to go back into their shelters at night; snakes, lizards and other small mammals evacuated their underground nests; insects congregated in huge swarms near the seashores; cattle sought higher ground; domestic animals became agitated; and wild birds left their usual habitats.

在文学作品中和书中也有类似的例子。比如说:山羊不愿进羊圈;猫狗叼起它们的崽往外跑;猪反常的叫;鸡在半夜的时候拼命的冲出鸡笼;鱼烦躁的四处游;鸟离 开巢穴。还有报道称动物园的动物晚上都不愿回窝睡觉;蛇、蜥蜴等小型哺乳动物晚上都不愿再回它们在地下的窝;昆虫大量的聚集在海边;牛群往高处走;家畜变 得烦躁不安;野生鸟类离开它们平常的居所。

Surveys done in China show that the largest number of cases of unusual animal behavior precede the earthquake, particularly in the 24 hours before it strikes. In other parts of China where major earthquakes have been preceded by foreshocks, unusual behavior in rats, fish, and snakes were observed as early as three days prior to the earthquake, but continuing to several hours, or even a few minutes before.

有调查显示,在动物异常行为的比例中,地震前,尤其是地震前24小时的异常行为占据了很大的百分比。在中国其他地区,大地震之前通常伴有前震,那儿的老 鼠、鱼、蛇等动物的异常行为则早在地震发生三天前就有所表现,这种现象会一直持续到地震前几个小时甚至几分钟。