101 things I'd like to do for you

2. Whenever we are on the road, my shoulder is yours to rest and sleep on.
2. 我愿意每次旅途上,都把肩膀借给你,让疲惫的你可以随时倚靠,安然入睡


这句话中出现了whenever这个词,它的意思是"any time or every time that something happens or is true",也就是“任何时候,每一次”。“疑问词-ever”形式的词往往表示“无论何时/何地/何人/如何……”,一起来盘点一下吧:

whatever - You use “whatever” to refer to anything or everything of a particular type. 无论什么;任何事物

例句:Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

whichever - You use “whichever” in order to indicate that it does not matter which of the possible alternatives happens or is chosen. 无论哪个

例句:You are the first one to choose a gift. So you can choose whichever you like.

wherever - You use wherever to indicate that something happens or is true in any place or situation. 无论哪里

例句:Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.

whoever - You use whoever to indicate that the actual identity of the person who does something will not affect a situation. 无论谁

例句:Whoever else quits, I stay.

however - You use however before an adjective or adverb to emphasize that the degree or extent of something cannot change a situation, or you use it to say that it makes no difference how something is done. 除了表示“然而”,however还有“不管多么、无论用什么方法”的意思

例句:We will never countenance violence, however serious the threat against us.

However he tries, he never seems able to please her.

“我愿意为你做的101件事”韩语版讲解 >>>
