Ladies' night!

Even international superstars like Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift need the occasional night in to nosh on junk food and catch up with their BFFs.

Gomez, 19, took to her Instagram account recently to share photos from an evening spent bonding with her besties -- during which Swift broke out her ukelele for a jamfest, and the group baked cupcakes. "Because you need a best friend [that] sings beautifully, another best friend to dance with you and another to listen," the "Love You Like a Love Song" singer wrote. "Oh and cupcakes. . .Cupcakes!"

Last summer, Swift, 22, opened up to PopSugar about her tight bond with Gomez--and their pal Emma Stone, who missed out on the fun. "My friends are amazing and I'm so thankful to have them, [but] the ones that are like sisters to me are Selena Gomez and Emma Stone," Swift revealed. "They can predict my thoughts; I've known them for so long it's really cool to have friends that are that close."

Gomez, too, has talked about being able to lean on Swift, in good times and in bad. "One of my favorite stories with Taylor was when I was going through a very hard breakup. She came to my house at 10:30 at night and knocked on my door. I opened it, and she had two big bags of junk food, cookies, Snickers and soda," the former Wizards of Waverly Place star told Ryan Seacrest last year. "She put it on the table, put her laptop on, we made a video, and she told me that now we could look forward to breakups, since we know the other one will get us junk food! She's very sweet. I feel very lucky to have her in my life."

沪江娱乐快讯:这是女孩们的夜晚!好莱坞青春偶像Taylor Swift与Selena Gomez的友情已是众所皆知的事实。Selena日前在自己的Instagram帐号上分享了她与闺蜜Taylor一起做蛋糕的照片。Selena之前曾谈论过两人的故事,当时刚经历分手的Selena情绪低落,而Taylor在晚上10点半来到她家,带来了两大袋的垃圾食品,两人边吃东西边做视频,闺蜜之情可见一斑!

BFF(Best friends forever): It is a close friendship typical of teenage and young women. Such relationships are common in high school but, rather than lasting forever, tend to deteriorate when the parties go to college.