Artist:Radical Face
Song:Home Sick

One, two, three; one, two, three...

Well, I left my home on hollow bones

While you were curled and sleeping
And I wandered far beneath a concrete star
And slept along the highways
But even though I am lost all the time

I've got hooks in my sides that you left there
But you're not the same, you died along the way

Now we're ghosts and we're praying for winter


Well, I found a wheel that squeaks and squeals
And I left it on your doorstep
Because I heard that you might be broken, too
And I thought it'd keep you company

But even though I am lost all the time
I've got hooks in my sides that you left there
But you're not the same, you died along the way
Now we're ghosts and we're praying for winter


Radical Face来自美国佛罗里达的Jacksonville。本名Ben Cooper,开创新民谣风格的艺人,与Alax Kane组成Electric President并且在04年发行同名专辑《Electric President》。这张11首歌曲的《Ghost》是一张内敛中显露出音乐上的野心的作品。专辑中稍带一些Lo-fi和实验的味道,其外表却是飞扬流畅的旋律构思。用钢琴,吉他,伴奏乐器,手风琴及声乐来演奏乐观、优美的民谣作品。大量的情感的输出,无论如何都难以掩饰其音乐深处迷人的本质。