This is AP News Minute.

The U.S. coast guard sank a ghost ship from Japan, before it could reach the U.S. west coast. The ship had been floating across the Pacific since the tsunami set it loose last year.

Legal experts are telling a state task force that Florida’s "stand your ground" self-defense law is ambiguous and confusing. Police in Sanford, Florida say the law has prevented them from arresting George Zimmerman for shooting Trayvon Martin. The law allows the use of deadly force in certain instances of self defense.

The head of the nuclear regulatory commission goes to visit a troubled nuclear plant in southern California Friday. The plant has been sidelined for two months, because of a problem with tubing that carries radioactive water.

And the streets of the old city of Jerusalem are packed. The scores of religious pilgrims from around the world are crowding into the city for the Easter and Passover holidays.

Matt Small, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.

