Success with BEC for prelininary by Rolf Cook and mara Pedretti with Helen Stephenson
Publish: by Summertown Publishing
Copyright: Summmertown Publishing
Module 1 Listening scripts 1.1
What does your job involve? 从正文Good morning开始听写。
Good morning, everyone. I'd like to welcome you all to this session about public speaking. My name's Janet Coyte, and I'll be your trainer for today and tomorrow. I can see your names and the companies you work for on your badges, but I'd like you to say something about your jobs and responsibilities. Katherine, would you like to start? Certainly. Hi, I'm Katherine Alessi and I work for Marfil Solutions. I'm a management consultant. Marfil Solutions gives companies advice on their markets, organisation and processes. I interview clients, identify problems and suggest solutions. Morning. My name's Mark Jenkins. I'm a sales rep for Soap Heaven. I visit customers and leave product samples. I look for new customers, and I support my company's customer service department. Hello, I'm Kostas Hadavas. I'm the personal assistant to the managing director of a company called Athens Daily Menu, which provides catering services. I arrange the MD's travel and accommodation for business trips, I organise his meetings, and I deal with correspondence. Good morning. My name's Suzanne Wilkes. I'm the chief financial officer of a company, P&B Europe, which designs gadgets and gifts. I'm responsible for the company's accounts, I advise the managing director on financial matters, and I control the money that comes in and goes out. Hello, I'm Carmen Selles. I'm the quality manager in a company that produces car seats and interiors. I arrange and carry out tests of our products and I deal with customers' complaints. Oh, the name of the company is CarSpek.