
Imagine that you spent your whole life at a single house. Each day at the same hour you entered an artificially-lit room, undressed and took up the same position in front of a motion picture camera. It photographed one frame of you per day, every day of your life. On your seventy-second birthday, the reel of film was shown. You saw yourself growing and aging over seventy-two years in less than half an hour (27.4 minutes at sixteen frames per second). Images of this sort, though terrifying, are helpful in suggesting unfamiliar but useful perspectives of time. They may, for example, symbolize the telescoped, almost momentary character of the past as seen through the eyes of an anxious or disaffected individual.
想象一下,你一生中都住在同一栋房子里, 每天同一时间,你来到一间特意点亮的房间,脱掉衣服,摆出一样的姿势。一台照相机照下你每一天的照片。在你72岁生日那天,整卷胶片被拿来放映,你在半小时之内看到自己逐渐长大并衰老(27.4分钟,以每秒16帧的速度播放)。想象一下这种情况,虽然很可怕,但是确实有助于我们理解“时间”令人陌生却有意义的一面。这些图片将过去有纪念意义的时刻浓缩为符号,并将之呈现在焦急等待的观众面前。 ——译文来自: akritkey