1 妇女节


Women are like hurricanes. When they come, they're loud. When they're gone, so is the house, the dog and the car 女人像飓风。当她们来的时候很大声。当她们走之后,房子,狗,车子也都没了。

Have a Happy Women's Day, you loud, powerful women!


2 说到做到


年轻人有种很流行的说法:"Back It Up",比如:You better back it up 意思是 你一定要能做的出来(证明你不催牛)。

跟 "talk the talk, walk the walk" 意思一样。

Please, stop talking, back it up 别多说了,做出来证明下。

Back that talk up. Back that shit up!



3 被逼的


答应因为是被逼的或者勉强的被说服口语是:"Roped In/Into"。

想象一下美国牛仔用绳子去抓跑散的牛拉他回去(rope in)。

用法:I was roped in by my gf 我女朋友逼我的

She was roped into watching football with her bf 她被她男朋友说服了,一起看足球。

Roped into singing..



4 状态不好


美语俚语有种说法叫 "In a Funk"。

这个意思是 "状态不佳,情绪低",比如:I'm not feeling well. I'm in a funk 我状态不好 Why 为什么?

I failed my exam 我没考过。

Maryjane is in a funk because her grandfather died 她情绪很低因为她爷爷走了。

Are you in a funk because of 忙day?



5 不确认


教大家一个很地道的美语俚语,"Iffy" ['ɪfɪ]。

这个意思是 "不确认,可疑的,不稳定,质量不好",比如:I'm iffy about tomorrow 我明天不确定(来不来)。

The weather today is iffy 今天的天气很不稳定。

The food we had today tasted iffy 今天吃的食物质量不好(是否坏了?) 

