So, too, she began very quickly to torment him with her vanity, which was, if the truth be known, a little difficult to deal with. One day, for instance, when she was speaking of her four thorns, she said to the little prince: "Let the tigers come with their claws." "There are no tigers on my planet," the little prince objected. "And, anyway, tigers do not eat weeds." "I am not a weed." the flower replied, sweetly. "Please excuse me..." "I am not at all afraid of tigers," she went on. "but I have a horror of drafts. I suppose you wouldn't have a screen for me?" "A horror of drafts that is bad luck, for a plant." remarked the little prince, and added to himself."This flower is a very complex creature..." "At night I want you to put me under a glass globe. It is very cold where you live. In the place I came from."
于是,就这样,这朵花儿就以她那有点敏感多疑的虚荣心折磨着小王子。例 如,有一天,她向小王子讲起她身上长的四根刺: “老虎,让它张着爪子来吧!” 小王子顶了她一句:“在我这个星球上没有老虎,而且,老虎是不会吃草的”。 花儿轻声说道:“我并不是草。” “真对不起。” “我并不怕什么老虎,可我讨厌穿堂风。你没有屏风?” 小王子思忖着:“讨厌穿堂风……这对一株植物来说,真不走运,这朵花儿真 不大好伺候……” “晚上您得把我保护好。你这地方太冷。在这里住得不好,我原来住的那个 地方……”