
快讯:2月28日下午,有圈内人士爆料称,曾经在影片《功夫咏春》 中饰演严咏春的青年演员白静于2月28日上午在自己住所被其丈夫周成海刺杀身亡。目前,北京朝阳警方已确认白静被丈夫刺死,而其丈夫周成海随后也自杀身亡。据悉两人因感情纠纷发生争吵,案件在进一步调查当中。圈内人士还报料称,白静与周成海夫妻俩积怨已久,周成海母亲去世是白静被杀的直接诱因。消息传出后,白静的中戏同班同学毛俊杰、唐嫣等人均表示难以置信,纷纷在微博上悼念白静。(腾讯娱乐)








"A good marriage is one which allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love" - Pearl S. Buck

Look for the good 看到对方好的一面

When you fell in love you only see the good in your partner. You were not selfish. To keep your love alive, accept him for what he is just like when you were infatuated. Love him for what he is instead of thinking only of your needs.Don't over react to his negative behavior and weaknesses. Learn to forgive and get rid of grudges. Allow your partner the freedom to be the way he is completely and unconditionally.

Communicate 沟通

Talk and listen but avoid nagging. Never let a day pass without discussing and communicating. Share your problems with him and tell him yours. Talk about dreams, goals and love. Don't bring your anger to the next day. Resolve it or forget about it.

Let go of psychological dependency and expecting approval 不要过度依赖对方

Any relationship succeeds when there is interdependence. You must take responsibility for yourself. Avoid making your partner the source of your happiness. You are moments away from depression if you depend on your partner's words and actions to live your life.

Avoid trying to be right 不要一味力求自己是对的

When you try to be right you are trying to have control. Your marriage will suffer. You will hurt yourself and your husband. A demanding relationship will not survive for long. Focus instead on what needs improvement and work on it. The best thing to do is work on you.

Ask for what you want 告知对方你想要什么,你的感受

Know your feelings. Be honest with what you want. Your partner cannot read your mind. Ask for what you want without using threats and manipulations.Let him know of how you feel. Learn to say "No" to something you don't want to do or give. Obligation can cause problems in your relationship.

Build trust 互相信任

Trust is an important component. Trust that he loves you and is honest. Don't snoop or spy on him. Avoid feeling doubtful and jealous. When you behave this way, your spouse will feel suffocated. And it shows that you have low self esteem.

Respect 学会尊重

Have self respect and your spouse will treat you right. Listen when he's talking and he will do the same. Don't embarrass him or criticize him in the presence of others and he won't do it to you. If he does, tell him that you don't like it.

Create space 要有自己的空间 

Though you are married, live together and share almost everything, allow for personal space for each one at home and outside. You should have your own group of friends that you don't have to share with him and allow him to do the same.