No one would mistake Greenwich for Minnesota during this mild winter, but the New England town has once again been standing in for the Midwest as the Showtime series "The Big C" films in town.

Scenes for the show, which stars Emmy Award-winning actress Laura Linney as a Minnesota woman battling melanoma, have been shot at various locations around Greenwich. Last month, the cast and crew were at shuttered Greenwich Avenue restaurant Thataway Cafe. The bar and grill, which closed late last year, is just down the street from Sundown Saloon, which "The Big C" turned into a gay bar last May for a shoot for the show's second season. They also filmed inside First Lutheran Church on Field Point Road.

The third season premiers April 8, according to published reports.

On Thursday, "The Big C" made a big scene in Cos Cob, shutting down a section of Route 1 in Cos Cob and diverting drivers.

Showtime的《如果还有明天》(The Big C)是部小众又迷人的现实向、带着点酸苦的喜剧,其第3季将于4月8日回归,Showtime放出了最新的海报。《社交网络》之后,在角色头像照上打字似乎成了设计风潮,"Fearless-无所畏惧"表达出了故事和剧集的主旨。

劳拉·琳妮所饰演的Cathy Jamison将继续她的人生,预告海报中另一个引人瞩目的点当然是Cathy的新舌钉,闪亮的钻石,果然是女人们最忠实的朋友。《如果还有明天》的制作人Darlene Hunt在接受采访时谈到了新一季Cathy要面对的问题:“在你知道你得了癌症,而在当下,你服用的药物竟然让你有好转,在这样的时刻,你怎么处理自己的生活呢?你将如何,精确到每一步,来度过这段“美好”的时光?你如何克服所有困难,让这样的时间能够再延长一些?”

在新一季,也有不少知名演员前来客串,其中包括奥斯卡影后苏珊·萨兰登(Susan Sarandon),曾经得到艾美青睐的阿丽森·詹尼(Allison Janney),还有老戏骨维克托·加柏(Victor Garber)。其他常驻演员:加布蕾·丝迪贝(Gabourey 'Gabby' Sidibe)、约翰·本杰明·海基(John Benjamin Hickey)、奥利弗·普莱特(Oliver Platt)和加布里埃尔·巴索(Gabriel Basso)都将回归。