MINE! That word appears early in life. ___1___ do have an idea of ownership.
They also have an idea of what can be owned, and what can’t.

Children as young as three believe human-made objects are owned but naturally occurring things like pinecones are not.

In one experiment 3-year olds looked at pictures of a fork, teddy bear, truck, and other human-made objects. They also looked at pictures of a leaf, shell, or rock. The researchers asked: Does this belong to anyone?

The kids ___2___ human-made objects as owned 89 percent of the time and naturally occurring objects as owned only 28 percent of the time.

In another experiment scientists tested children with less familiar objects like a ___3___ versus coral. This time children under 6 did not tend to name the manufactured object as owned. But when the unfamiliar, artificial objects were referred to as “human-made,” the younger children tended to classify them as owned. The work appears in the journal Developmental Psychology.

It is apparently only much later in life, when individuals have reached a ___4___maturity, that they can ___5___ of ownership of natural objects. “You kids get off of MY lawn!”
Toddlers classified grenade seasoned conceive
“我的!”这词儿经常是孩子们说出来的,即便是蹒跚学步的幼儿也具备所有权的意识,而且他们很清楚,自己能否拥有某样东西。 三岁大的小孩儿觉得人造的东东可以有,自然生成的——比如松果就不可以。 一个实验中,研究人员给三岁的孩子们看了一些物品,包括人造产品——一把叉子、一只泰迪熊、一辆卡车等等,和自然事物——一片叶子、一块贝壳、一块岩石,每看完一个,研究者都要问:“这个是谁的呀?” 对于人工的东西,孩子们用了整整89%的时间争着去占有,对于自然属性的物品,仅仅花了28%的时间。 在另一场实验中,科学家们使用的测试物品,并非小孩子所熟知,比如手榴弹和珊瑚。六岁以下的儿童没有理会手榴弹,可是在研究者告诉他们那些是“人工制品”之后,小一点儿的孩子就将其据为己有。该实验详见杂志《发展心理学》。 似乎孩子们长大后,有经验了,成熟了,才会认为自己是自然事物的主人——“你!从我的草坪上滚开!”