本次对话节选自雅思听力Section 1,较为简单
场景背景介绍:本部分介绍了银行开户的相关事宜。这个场景是考生出国留学之后必然要经历的。账户的种类有很多,如:活期存款(Br. Current account, Am. Savings account)、定期存款(Deposit account)、共同账户(Joint account)等等。其中共同账户指任何一方都可以取款,或者是指会签银行账户,取款时必须有两个人的会签。
听写形式:全文听写,不用写A:.... B:... ,直接换行听写即可。
the Fransen Bank in Utrecht
And how much would you like to open your account with? We usually ask for a minimum sum of £50. That's about €75. Well, I'm going to transfer €2,000 from my Dutch account, just till I get paid. In fact, I wanted to ask you about that. What's the best way to do it? It depends which bank you're with. It's the Fransen Bank in Utrecht. OK, fine. I'll check that in a minute. If we have links with them we can do a direct transfer. But it's not a big problem either way. Um, let's see. How often would you like to receive statements? I haven't really thought. Um, what's the usual thing? It's up to you. Some people like them weekly. Oh, no, that's too often. Can I have them sent, um, once a month? Yes, that's fine. Is there anything else? I was thinking of registering for your internet service at some stage. Oh, yes. Would you like me to send you information about that? Please, yes. And would you like to receive information about the bank's other services - insurance, loans, anything like that? Hmm, I don't think so, thanks. That's OK then. And one last thing, if you agree.