第6课:丑陋的 - 9


A: That dog is as ugly as a sin.
B: I bet it is also a little dangerous, so you better watch yourself around it, as I know it likes to bite people.
A: Well, just keep that big ugly thing away from me.

A: 那条狗真是奇丑无比。
B: 我敢说它也挺危险。我知道它爱咬人,在它跟前你最好小心点儿。
A: 那就让这个又大又丑的家伙离我远点儿。


be as ugly as sin: 指长得很丑,不引人注目,毫无魅力。sin是个非常负面的词,因此这个短语的贬义很强。
you better: 是you’d better的口语形式。
keep away from: 远离。