公告板: 每天中午11点半,日常商务英语和你见面!


Hint: 1、听写完一个说话者记得要换行,不用写A\B;
Can I have your ticket and passport, please? Thank you. Would you like an aisle or a window seat? I'd like an aisle seat if possible. Ok. I have given you a seat in the exit row. Is that all right? Yes, that's fine. Thanks. And I'd like to sit next to my colleague if possible. I'm sorry. We don't have any more seats together. Could you talk to the cabin attendant when you board the plane?
A:我可以有你的机票和护照吗?谢谢,你想要一个过道还是靠窗户的座位? B:如果可能的话,我想要一个靠过道的座位。 A:好的,我已经给你一个在出口排的座位。好吗? B:是的,那很好。谢谢。如果可能的话我想坐在我同事旁边。 A:很抱歉。我们没有一起的座位了。当你登机的时候你能和机舱服务员谈谈吗?