Part A Translation

  Translate the following into Chinese (25 points):
  1. Natural disasters during the 1980s were 94% more frequent than in the 1970s. While it is possible that such a jump falls within normal climatic variation, insurance executives realize that it also conforms with patterns predicted for global warming.
  2. The history of New England is written imperishably on the face of a continent. In the Old World national pride feeds itself with the record of battles and conquests; ---battles which proved nothing and settled nothing; conquests which shifted a boundary on the map, and put one ugly head instead of another on the coin which the people paid to the tax-gatherer. But wherever the New-Englander travels among the sturdy commonwealths which have sprung from the seed of the Mayflower. Churches, schools, colleges, tell him where the men of his race have been, or their influence penetrated; and an intelligent freedom is the monument of conquests whose results are not to be measured in the square miles. Next to the fugitives whom Moses (摩西) led out of Egypt, the little ship-load of outcasts who landed at Plymouth two centuries and a half ago are destined to influence the future of the world.
  Translate the following into English (15 points):