
Dad: And finding someone to replace you for poison checker has been a disaster. Nothing's been poisoned, thank God, but it hasn't been easy. You didn't 1_____________.
Remy: I know. I am sorry, Dad.
Dad: Well, the important thing is that you're home.
Remy: Yeah, well, about that...
Dad: You look thin. Why is that? A shortage of food, or a surplus of snobbery? It's 2________ out there in the big world all alone, isn't it?
Remy: Sure, but it's not like I'm a kid anymore.
Dad: Hey. Hey, boy. What's up?
Remy: I can take care of myself. I've found a nice 3______ not far away, so I’ll be able to visit often.
Dad: Nothing like a cold splash of reality to make you...visit?
Remy: I will. 4__________. Often.
Dad: You're not staying?
Remy: No. 5____________________, Dad. I just...You didn't think l was going to stay forever, did you? Eventually, 6________________________.
Dad: We're not birds. We're rats. We don't leave our nests. We make them bigger.
Remy: Well, maybe I'm a different kind of rat.
Dad: Maybe you're not a rat at all.
Remy: Maybe that's a good thing.
Emily: Hey! The band's really 7___ tonight, huh?
Remy: Rats. All we do is take, Dad. I'm tired of taking. I want to make things. I want to 8__________ to this world.
Dad: You're talking like a human.
Remy: Who are not as bad as you say.
Dad: Oh, yeah? What makes you so sure?
Emily: Oh, man.
Remy: I’ve been able to observe them at a close-ish sort of range.
Dad: Yeah? How close?
Remy: Close enough. And they're, you know, not so bad as you say they are.
Dad: Come with me. I got something I want you to see.
Emily: You know, I'm going to stay here.
make it easy tough spot I promise It's not a big deal a bird's got to leave the nest on add something