Alice picked up the gloves and the fan. "It's very hot," she said. She put on one of the little gloves and kept fanning herself. "Oh,I'm growing small again!" cried Alice. She ran back to get the key, but slipped into the pool of her own tears. She saw a little mouse splashing in the water. "Oh,Mouse!Do you know a way out of this pool?" asked Alice. The Mouse looked at her but said nothing. Alice started talking about her cat,Dinah. Shaking with fear,the Mouse swam quickly away.
爱丽丝拾起手套和风扇。 “太热了。”她说。 她戴上其中的一只小手套并给自己扇风。 “哦,我又再次变小了。”爱丽丝喊到。 她跑回去拿钥匙, 但是却滑到了自己眼泪汇成的池塘里。 她看见一只小老鼠在水里游。 “哦,老鼠!你是否知道一条可以离开水池的方法?”爱丽丝问。 老鼠看着她但并没有说什么。 爱丽丝开始讲她的猫,戴娜。 老鼠害怕得发抖,快速地游走了。 ——译文来自: liannbaby