Robert Rodriguez's first Machete was ridiculously over the top and fun. Needless to say it would be fun to see a sequel. Rodriguez has talked about the film being a trilogy, and he's now moving forward on the next chapter in the franchise, Machete Kills. It's going to be great to see the adventures of the blade-wielding Mexican ex-Federale continue.

The new film finds Machete recruited by the U.S. Government for a mission which would be impossible for any mortal man. Machete must battle his way through Mexico to take down a madman cartel leader and an eccentric billionaire arms dealer who has hatched a plan to spread war across the planet with a weapon in space. Machete takes on an army in an effort to dismantle a plan for global anarchy.

Rodriguez is teaming up with producer Alexander Rodnyansky. As for what we can expect for the sequel, the filmmaker said, "The fan response to the Machete character has been fanatical since his first appearance. Machete is truly a super hero and Machete Kills will be bigger and more ambitious than the first time." So I guess we can expect seeing some much more epic Machete kills.

Talks are currently underway with Danny Trejo to reprise his role, as well as many of the other surviving cast members. They are looking to start shooting the film in April. And just incase you forgot and were wondering what the third film will be called, it's Machete Kills Again.

Are you excited to see Machete come back to kill some ass?




《弯刀》由罗伯特·罗德里格兹和伊桑·曼尼奎斯共同执导。故事源于罗德里格兹2007年作品《刑房》里的一个伪预告片。故事的主人公弯刀(“疤脸猛男”丹尼·特乔 饰)是一个技术娴熟的墨西哥杀手。影片以血腥暴力的风格得到众多Cult片粉丝的喜爱,但只在全球获得不到5000万的票房。