保罗·罗伯逊 (Paul Robeson,1898-1976),美国著名男低音歌唱家、演员、社会活动家。早年在穆维尔高级学校求学期间,就曾参加过莎士比亚戏剧的演出。1923年毕业于哥伦比亚大学法律系,此后一直从事戏剧演出和电影拍摄等活动。
the Mine, Mill and Smelters Workers Union
British Columbia
Peace Arch Park
"Joe Hill"
In 1952, the Mine, Mill and Smelters Workers Union of British Columbia, Canada, invited Robeson to attend its yearly meeting. Americans do not need a passport to enter Canada. But the United States government barred him from entering Canada anyway. So the union invited him to sing at an outdoor concert in the United States. The concert was held at Peace Arch Park. The park is in the northwestern state of Washington, on the border between the United States and Canada. Robeson sang to more than 30,000 people in both countries. Here is a recording from that concert. Robeson sang a famous labor union song called "Joe Hill". Robeson performed at another outdoor concert at Peace Arch Park the following year. At the end of the program, Robeson spoke to the thousands of people attending. He promised to continue the fight for freedom as long as he could. Here is part of that speech.