
The History of English in Ten Minutes. Chapter Eight, American English or not English but somewhere in the ballpark. From the moment Brits first landed in America, they needed names for all the new plants and animals so they borrowed words like raccoon, squash and moose from the native Americans as well as most of their territory. Waves of immigrants fed America's hunger for words. The Dutch came sharing coleslaw and cookies probably as a result of their relaxed attitude to drugs. Later, the Germans arrived selling pretzels from delicatessens. And the Italians arrived with their pizza, their pasta and their Mafia, just like mama used to make. America spread a new language of capitalism, getting everyone worried about the break-even on the bottom line whether they were blue-chip or white-collar. The commuter needed a whole new system of freeways, subways and parking lots and quickly before words like merger and downsizing could be invented. American English drifted back across the pond as Brits got the hang of their cool movies and their groovy jazz. There are even some forgotten words that lived on in America so they carried on using fall, faucets, diapers and candy while the Brits moved on to autumn, taps, nappies and NHS dental care.
10分钟英语的历史。第八章,美式英语,或,不是英语但与之相关。 英国人一上美洲大陆,他们就需要给所有新的动植物命名,所以他们就从美洲土著那里吸收了"raccoon, squash, moose"(浣熊,南瓜,驼鹿)等词汇,还一并吸光了他们的领地。 而移民潮正好满足了美洲对新词汇的如饥似渴。 荷兰人来分享了"coleslaw" "cookies"(凉拌卷心菜,小甜饼),可能是因为他们对毒品的随性态度。 随后,德国人来了,他们的熟食店卖起了脆饼干。 意大利人也来了,带来了妈妈常做的皮萨,通心粉,还有他们的黑手党。 资本主义在美洲大陆风行,不管白领阶层还是新兴资本家,都为收支平衡操碎了心。 在类似合并,缩小规模等词汇被发明之前,通勤一族就迫不及待的需要一个全新的高速、地铁、停车场系统。 美式英语反向影响英国,英国人开始领会他们的一流的电影和他们超棒的jazz。 有些早已作古的词汇仍在美国使用,他们用 fall, faucets, diapers 和 candy",而英国人则用"autumn, taps, nappies 和 NHS dental care"。