

De Anza
California Motor Vehicle Department
Bill Fernandez
Homestead High
Sunnyvale Safeway
Cream Soda Computer


After a pleasant year at De Anza, Wozniak took time off to make some money. He found work at a company that made computers for the California Motor Vehicle Department, and a coworker made him a wonderful offer: He would provide some spare chips so Wozniak could make one of the computers he had been sketching on paper. Wozniak decided to use as few chips as possible, both as a personal challenge and because he did not want to take advantage of his colleague's largesse. Much of the work was done in the garage of a friend just around the corner, Bill Fernandez, who was still at Homestead High. To lubricate their efforts, they drank large amounts of Cragmont cream soda, riding their bikes to the Sunnyvale Safeway to return the bottles, collect the deposits, and buy more. "That's how we started referring to it as the Cream Soda Computer," Wozniak recalled. It was basically a calculator capable of multiplying numbers entered by a set of switches and displaying the results in binary code with little lights.
在迪安扎愉快地度过了一年后,沃兹尼亚克决定休学去赚钱。他在一家为交通部门生产计算机的公司找到了工作,一名同事还给了他丰厚的馈赠:将一些多余的芯片提供给沃兹,让他将一直停留在图纸上的计算机变成现实。沃兹尼亚克决定使用尽可能少的芯片,一方面作为对自己的挑战,另一方面也是因为不想利用同事的慷慨。 沃兹大多数工作都是在附近一个朋友家中的车库中完成的,此人就是当时还在家园高中读书的比尔费尔南德斯。为了让工作顺利完成,他们喝了很多克雷格蒙特奶油苏打水,然后骑着自行车去森尼韦尔的西夫韦超市退还瓶子,换到钱后再买更多汽水。“正是因为这个我们才把它叫所奶油苏打水电脑。”沃兹尼亚克说。这其实是一台可以做乘法的计算器,通过一系列开关将数字输入,然后用小灯显示的二进制码呈现结果。