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Big Bang

Billions and billions of galaxies, the universe is so vast, we can't even imagine what those numbers mean. But 14 billion years ago, none of it existed, until the Big Bang. The Big Bang is the origin of space and the origin of time itself. We take a journey through space and time, from the beginning to the end of the universe itself.
宇宙之大,有着数十亿的银河星系,而我们难以想象这个数字意味着什么。140亿年前,宇宙还不存在。而宇宙大爆炸开启了宇宙空间,也开启了宇宙时间。让我们遨游于空间和时光之间,看看宇宙诞生直至宇宙的灭亡。 ——译文来自: Alenambition