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概述:If you were a rat,what would you do when your cage mate was trapped by something? Do they really as selfish as we thought?

Mason says she wanted to find some way of understanding what this helping action meant to the rats. "What is this worth to you, to open the door for a trapped cage mate? And obviously, we can't ask that question verbally. So, we wanted to ask it in terms that a rat can communicate to us." Rats really care about food and they love chocolate. So Mason's team tried putting two traps inside the plastic box: inside one, yummy chocolate chips; inside the other, the distressed friend. What they found is that the free rats would quickly open both traps and in no particular order. "So what that tells us is that liberating a trapped cage mate has a value and that is on a par with chocolate.“ What's more, even though the free rats could have just gobbled all the chocolate and then released their friend, they instead chose to share the candy with their fellow rat.