
Humanity has the technology for human space travel. But should we use it?

Frank Wentz:[---1---]

That's Frank Wentz of Remote Sensing Systems in Santa Rosa, California.

Frank Wentz:[---2---]


Frank Wentz:[---4-5---]

And if we lose even some satellite coverage, Wentz said, [---6-7---] Human space travel to Mars,or satellite measurements of Earth?Tell us at .

Our thanks today to NASA: explore, discover, understand.
I'm Deborah Byrd from E&S, a clear voice for science.

NASA is our best government agency when it comes to building space hardware and if they are, shall we say, distracted from the Earth climate mission by going to Mars then it just means less resources,dollars, man-power, talent is going to be directed toward studying our climate. So I would think that, if you had to choose between the two in this limited budget environment that we live in, that the choice would be to better study our Earth with satellites than to send a man to Mars. He said some of NASA's 10 climate-studying satellites are near the end of their life-cycles. I certainly support space exploration with the caveat:if there's enough money to do both. It seems to me that it's just, well, 'Given your budget, go to Mars,' and that means they got to take money from some other programs. we risk not getting the best science for understanding Earth's changes. Which would you choose?