Kiah和Rilla准备拜访Commander Zadak.......


  On Friday, after three weeks in space, Kiah and Rilla finished work and left Ship OM-45 on a space plane to Kisangani. Kiah phoned Adai and Rilla phoned Commander Zadak in Australia. (1) A taxi took them from the airport to Commander Zadak's office, some kilometres north of Sydney.

  'Wait for us here,' Kiah said to the taxi driver.

  Kiah and Rilla walked to the gate. (2) (3)

  'Rilla, OM-45, 'Rilla said. 'To see Commander Zadak at four-thirty. '

  'Let me call the Commander's office,' the guard said.

  Kiah and Rilla waited. (4)

  The guard came back. 'I'm sorry, 'he said. 'The Commander can't see you. '

  'But I talked to the Commander yesterday,' Rilla said. 'He wanted to see us at four-thirty. '

  'The Commander is leaving on the train in three minutes,' the guard said.

  'Can we wait and see him here?' Kiah asked.

  'No,' the guard shouted. 'Get out of here!'

  Kiah and Rilla walked back to the taxi.

  'Where's the driver?' Kiah asked.

  'Look! He's sitting by that wall,' Rilla said.

  Just then, Commander Zadak came out of the gate. He was a very tall, big man with blue eyes and a lot of white hair. (5) They all carried guns.


The next morning they took an aeroplane to Sydney. About ten guards stood in front of the gate. Across the road, a train waited. It was hot and Kiah began to feel thirsty. Two guards marched in front of him, and two guards marched behind him.
这是个星期五,凯和瑞拉已经在太空飞行了三周。他们结束了工作,离开OM-45号宇宙飞船,乘航天飞机飞往基桑加尼。凯和瑞拉分别跟阿岱和在澳大利亚的司令扎达克通了电话。第二天早晨他们乘飞机来到悉尼。一辆出租车把他们从机场带到了悉尼以北几公里以外扎达克司令的办公室。   “在这儿等我们。”凯吩咐出租车司机。   凯和瑞拉朝大门走去。门口站着大约十几个卫兵。一辆火车正等在马路对面。   “我叫瑞拉,OM-45号的,”瑞拉说,“扎达克司令4点半要接见我们。”   “我给司令办公室打个电话。”卫兵说。   凯和瑞拉站在那儿等着。天气很热,凯感到口干舌燥。   那个卫兵回来了。“对不起,”他说,“司令不能见你们。”   “可是我昨天跟司令说过,”瑞拉说,“他答应今天4点半见我们。”   “再过三分钟司令就要坐火车出发了。”卫兵说。   “我们能不能在这儿等着见他一面?”凯问。   “不行!”卫兵喊了起来,“出去!”   凯和瑞拉回到出租车那儿。   “司机哪去了?”凯问。   “那不是嘛!在墙边坐着呢。”瑞拉说。   正说着,扎达克司令出现在大门口。他高大魁梧,蓝眼睛,长着一头浓密的白发。四个卫兵两前两后阔步护卫着他。他们都带着枪。