
Some delegates from states where slavery was illegal or not widely used wanted slavery to be unlawful throughout the nation. Delegates from states where slave labor was important refused. Some delegates wanted the newly settled lands to the West to be states. Others disagreed. The delegates debated four months before reaching a compromise. The constitution provided the framework for the new government. The national government could create money, impose taxes, deal with foreign countries, keep an army, create a postal system, and wage war. To keep the government from becoming too strong, the U.S. Constitution divided it into three equal parts - a legislature (congress), an executive (president), and a judicial system (supreme court). Each part worked to make sure the other parts did not take power that belonged to the others. On September 17, 1787, most of the delegates signed the new constitution. They agreed the constitution would become the law of the United States when nine of the 13 states ratified, or accepted it.
一些来自奴隶制不合法或者很少用到的州的代表想让奴隶制在全国范围内不合法。来自奴隶劳动力比较重要的州的代表拒绝。一些代表想让才被定居的西部土地成为州。其他人不同意。在达成妥协之前一些代表讨论了四个月。宪法为新政府提供一个框架。国家政府可以制造钱、 征税、 与外国国家打交道,组建军队、 创建邮政系统,并发动战争。为了使政府变得强大,美国宪法分为三个平等的部分—个立法机关 (国会),一个行政机关(主席)、 和司法体系 (最高法院)。每个工作部分以确保其他部分不会取得属于其他部分的权力的政权。在1787 年 9 月 17 日,大多数代表签署了新宪法。他们同意这个宪法将成为美国的法律,当13 个州中9个州批准,或接受它。