就像B说的一样 C并不是不能面对死亡 只是无法处理好自己的感情 以前看起来没心没肺的C 却是最重感情的一个 不过无法处理好自己的情感而已 这样的C怎不让人心疼呢


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C:Lily's here? Eric's here?
B:Everyone's here. Chuck?
C:My father always thought I was weak. And in the moment that mattered most, I was. I couldn't be there when he, uh... I left, ran away. I've been... __3__.
B:I don't think you ran away because you couldn't handle death. __4__ But you're not like that anymore. You're strong. You carry people. You carry me. __5__Come. Let's say good-bye.

ps:【绯闻女孩】出节目单啦~\(≧▽≦)/~ 欢迎大家订阅~
How's Serena? She's gonna be okay. pushing myself to prove him wrong, and been pushing you away I think it's because you couldn't handle feelings. You're becoming a man in a way that your father never was.
C:瑟琳娜怎么样了 B:她会没事的 C:莉莉也在这儿吗 艾瑞克呢 B:大家都来了 恰克 C:我爸爸总觉得我很没用 他还在世的时候 我确实很没用 就连他死的时候 我也不在他身边 我逃开了 逃得远远的 我一直 逼着自己去奋斗 去证明他是错的 还想要让你离开我身边 B:我觉得你不是因为无法面对死亡 而选择了逃避 我想你只是无法控制感情 可你不再那么脆弱了 你现在很坚强 你是很多人的依靠 你是我的依靠 你已经成长为 你父亲难以企及的男人 来吧 告别过去吧