


常见错误 :There is a barrier between the native and the foreigners is the language. As there are more and more people can grasp English, the experts can show their knowledge.

the native:“the native”或者“natives”指代一个群体时,指的是本土的原住民。例如:

The native people of New Zealand are called the Maori.

还有一种不大常见的用法,我们称某人为“a native of a place”表示某人的家乡是某地。例如:

That foreign expert is a native of Boston, so if you’ve got any questions about apartments near Harvard, you should ask him.

grasp English:我们说某人“has a good grasp of (a language)”通常是肯定他对这种语言掌握程度和水平。如果我们要概括地指人们能够说一种语言,应该直接说“they speak it”。例如:

I’ve always thought she was a beautiful poet. Her grasp of the English language is magnificent.

参考答案No, language is a real barrier between Chinese and foreign experts. As more and more people learn English, however, foreign experts can share their knowledge more easily.


常见错误:Isolated … oh, yeah. So, how to break this kind of isolated situation? This is the urgent topic put behind and in front of many people.

how to:用“how to … (do something)”来问一个问题是中国学生常见的错误,可能是从中文“怎么”直接翻译过来的。直接疑问句应该用“how can … (we do something)”或者“how do … (we do something)”的形式来开头。在间接引语中才能用“how to … (do something)”。例如:

I don’t know the best way how to get that box open, but maybe you can use this sledgehammer.

put behind and in front of:英文中没有“to put something behind someone”这种表达方式。通常说“puts it in front of someone”。例如:

The chairman laid the resolution in front of the committee and they debated it for three hours.

参考答案Right, it’s isolating. So, how can people break through this isolation and start getting through to each other? This is an urgent topic to put in front of people.


常见错误:Now English become the global language. It is not limited into the people in England or the United States. In more and more different countries people using this language, so how to, so how to.

more and more different:“more and more different”的意思是国家彼此之间越来越不同,这并不是说话者的本意。说话者要表达的是“越来越多的国家”,所以“countries”应直接跟在“more and more”后面。

参考答案Now English has gone global. It is not limited to people in England or the United States. In more and more countries people are using English. So maybe this is how to do it.

gone global:“gone global”或“to go global”这个习语意思是“全球化”。Go还可以和其他形容词连用,构成“go national”(全国化),“go mainstream”(随大流)或“go public”(公开)这样的词组。
