特别提示:文中Michael 为男声,Li Hua为女声,只需听写男生的英文对话部分即可,只听写Michael说的英文部分哦!!!中文部分不需要听写!!!
在这个节目里,我们要请大家听Michael 和李华的对话,他们俩都是纽约大学的学生。你们大家可能都已经认识了Michael和李华这两个大学生了。Michael和李华今天坐地铁去书店买书。现在他们正在地铁上。Michael今天会教李华两个常用语:jerk和street smart。
Li Hua
P.S.如果文中Michael 对话出现的关于jerk和street smart的拼写,不需要写上去~~~
Yeah. People are usually a lot more courteous. That one guy was a real jerk. Jerk. Jerk is someone who is mean and inconsiderate. They certainly are. But be careful, this word is very mean. See that man across the street? The one who's shouting and yelling at the little girl? He must be a real jerk. Well, thanks, I guess. To the right, this way. Well, I grew up in the city. I guess you could say I'm street smart. It means I know how city life operates, I know how to deal with different situations. Yes, being street smart also means you know how to be careful, for example, at night time. Yes, that would be street smart. For instance, if you walk at night, you've got to be alert if anyone is behind you. No way, I had heard about that before I went to China. So I was pretty street smart and knew how to bargain.
L: Michael, 我们是这一站下车吗? M: Yeah. L: 哟,这人怎么回事呀,直往人群里挤。在纽约,一般人都会站在 一边好让别人下车。 M: People are usually a lot more courteous. That one guy was a real jerk. L: 对,人们一般都很有礼貌的。那个人真是讨厌。你刚才说他是什 么来着? M: Jerk. Jerk is someone who is mean and inconsiderate. L: 原来Jerk就是很粗鲁,不顾别人的人。那依我看哪,好多人都是 jerk。有的人开车,在靠近别人车子很近的地方硬要挤到别人前面 去。这些人也可以说是jerks,对吗? M: They certainly are. But be careful, this word is very mean. L: 噢,叫人jerk是很不礼貌的,那用这个词的时候可真是要小心。 Michael,谢谢你告诉我,否则我要是随便叫人jerk,那就会出问题 了。 M: See that man across the street? The one who's shouting and yelling at the little girl? He must be a real jerk. L: 看见了。一个大人对着那么小的女孩大叫大嚷,绝对是个讨厌的 人。Michael,虽然你有时候也很讨厌,不过我想你还没到那个程度。 M: Well, thanks, I guess. L: Michael,我从来没有在这个站下过车。我们该往哪儿走呀? M: To the right, this way. L: 往右拐? 你知道书店在哪里吗? 好吧,那我就跟着你走。 嗨,Michael,你以前没去那个书店买过书,你怎么知道它在哪儿 呢?你好象什么地方都认识,总是知道要往那里走。 M: Well, I grew up in the city. I guess you could say I'm street smart. L: 我知道你是在纽约长大的。你说你是street smart?Street是街道, smart是聪明,这两个词放在一起是什么意思呀? M: It means I know how city life operates, I know how to deal with different situations. L: Street smart就是知道在大城市生活该怎么处置一些事情,应该如何 应付各种不同的情况。那么,street smart是不是和保护自己,不要被 坏人袭击也有关系哪? M: Yes, being street smart also means you know how to be careful, for example, at night time. L: 噢,street smart也是指一个人知道应该怎样小心,例如夜晚在外 面活动的时候。要是你在纽约,或在北京都知道在地铁上如何防 止小偷,那也能称为street smart,是不是? M: Yes, that would be street smart. For instance, if you walk at night, you've got to be alert if anyone is behind you. L: 对,晚上在外面走路是要注意后面有没有人,有的话,要观察这 个人是不是另有企图。Michael,你去中国好几次了,你在中国是 不是也很street smart? 比如说,在中国买东西的时候往往可以讨 价还价。你是一个外国人,他们大概会对你提高价格吧? M: No way, I had heard about that before I went to China. So I was pretty street smart and knew how to bargin. L: 原来你去中国前已经听说了,所以你知道怎么样和别人讨价还价。 Michael,我发现你非常street smart,也不是一个jerk。 今天李华学到了两个常用语,一个是:jerk;另一个是:street smart。这次[流行美语]就学习到这里,下次节目再见。