特别提示:文中Michael 为男声,Li Hua为女声,只需听写男生的英文对话部分即可,只听写Michael说的英文部分哦!!!中文部分不需要听写!!!
在这个节目里,我们要请大家听Michael 和李华的对话,他们俩都是纽约大学的学生。你们大家可能都已经认识了Michael和李华这两个大学生了。Michael和李华都在纽约上大学。Michael对纽约很熟,因此经常带李华到一些著名的地方去参观。今天他俩要去纽约的大都会艺术博物馆去听讲演。李华将学到两个常用语:neat和sharp。
Li Hua
P.S.如果文中Michael 对话出现的关于neat和sharp的拼写,不需要写上去~~~
I'm sure the lecture will be really neat. No. Neat, it's a word used here to describe something that is good. Neat is very conversational. Neat can be used to describe an idea, a concept. Well, Li Hua, you find the concept interesting, right? Well, if it holds your interest and you like the idea, then you can call it neat. You're right. Certainly. Hey, we are running pretty late. Let's hurry up. Yeah, I really agree. The speaker was really intelligent, you could say he is sharp. Absolutely. Sharp is an adjective that can be used to describe person who is really smart. He certainly is. Same word. No, it's not used to describe things, only people. You could not call my apartment sharp. I know. My mother said the same thing. Thanks, Li Hua. I think you're very sharp too.
L: Michael,我能够把你拽着一起去听这个演讲,真不容易。今天讲 话的这个人在数学和艺术方面都有博士学位。他讲话的题目就 是:数学和艺术的关系。 M: I'm sure the lecture will be really neat. L: 什么? Neat? 那不是整齐,乾净的意思吗? M: No. Neat, it's a word used here to describe something that is good. L: 噢,neat在这里是指某样东西很好,那你为什么不直接说好,而 非要说neat呢? M: Neat is very conversational. L: Neat这个词很口语化!那是不是任何时候我要说什么东西好都可以 用neat这个词呐? M: Neat can be used to describe an idea, a concept. L: Neat可以用来指一个好的主意,好的概念。今天讲演的内容就是 数学和艺术的会合。这是一个很好的概念。 M: Well, Li Hua, you find the concept interesting, right? L: 对,我觉得这个概念很有意思。 M: Well, if it holds your interest and you like the idea, then you can call it neat. L: 噢,只要我有兴趣,觉得是个好主意,我就可以说: That's neat! M: You're right. L: 如果我跟一些朋友出去玩,有人建议去喝茶,聊天。要是我觉得 很好的话,我也可以说:That's a neat idea. M: Certainly. Hey, we are running pretty late. Let's hurry up. L: 哟,对了,太晚了。赶快走吧! L: 我觉得他讲得真好。我从来没有想到数学和艺术有那么多关系。 他讲得很清楚。现在我对这个题目懂了好多。 M: Yeah, I really agree. The speaker was really intelligent, you could say he is sharp. L: Sharp,不是指一把刀快不快的意思吗? 那天有 个人说我很sharp, 当时我也不懂他是什么意思。那么说,他是在说我好咯! M: Absolutely!Sharp is an adjective that can be used to describe a person who is really smart. L: 你是说,sharp这个词可以用来形容一个非常聪明的人,也就是 脑子很敏锐的人。那我们的朋友王涛总是得到好分数,我可以 说:He's very sharp。 M: He certainly is. L: 那这个词sharp是不是跟形容刀快不快的sharp是同一个字呢? M: Same word. L: 你能不能用sharp这个词来指一本很好的书? M: No, it is not used to describe things, only people. You could not call my apartment sharp. L: 噢,sharp用在这个意思的时候只能形容人,不能指东西。我还不 能说你的宿舍很sharp。 Michael,你那宿舍乱得象猪窝,怎么打扫 也称不上sharp了。 M: I know. My mother said the same thing. L: 你看,我没说错吧!连你妈都这么说。不过,Michael,尽管我老 是跟你开玩笑,我倒觉得你很sharp,脑子很清楚,很快。 M: Thanks, Li Hua. I think you're very sharp too. 今天李华在跟Michael的谈话中学到了两个常用语, 一个是neat,意思是很好的主意,很好的计划;另一个是 sharp,意思是一个人脑子很聪明。这次[流行美语]就到此结束,谢谢大家和我们一起学习,下次节目再见。