
Chukchi Sea
Beaufort Sea

Michael Macrander: If a marine mammal enters certain areas where they're close to our operations, then they could potentially be at risk. [---1---]

You're listening to Michael Macrander, who leads the science efforts of Shell to monitor Alaskan wildlife. He spoke of human observers of marine mammals and also, of underwater acoustic recorders.

Michael Macrander: [---2,3---] If there's a drill ship out there or seismic vessel, we have a good understanding of the amount of sound that's put into the environment. [---4---]


Michael Macrander: These acoustic recorders that are able to let us know the sound levels so that we can say, 'ah, well, that's a kind of noisy activity.' [---6---]


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Those observers have the authority and responsibility to either alter our activities or shut them down completely. We are deploying a large network of recorders in both the Chukchi Sea and the Beaufort Sea. And these recorders can detect industry sounds, vessels. We also can detect and record the marine mammal calls as well. They also use the information to understand where the marine mammals are, and more. Can we put rubber mounts under an engine, or can we make an adjustment. He said further work was going on to find out other ways to muffle the sounds of machinery such as by using compressed air pumped into the water column to create a curtain of noise-dampening bubbles.