
Marta Yegorovnam
Unexplained Mysteries
Karelian Research Center
Russian Academy of Sciences
Michael Cohen

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After other claims of extraterrestrial life turning up in Siberia, the latest is from a Russian woman who says she kept a frozen alien corpse in her fridge. The mysterious "lifeform" was reportedly kept by Marta Yegorovnam in her fridge in the western Russian city of Petrozavodsk for two years, while she took five pictures to prove its existence. The "body", the third alien sighting in Russian in recent months, was reportedly retrieved by Yegorovnam from a UFO crash site near her summer house in 2009. She says she approached the flaming wreckage and crumpled metal which she described as "unbearably hot" and near the twisted hulk lay the dead alien. The "creature" is two feet long, has an enormous head, large bulbous eyes and an appearance somewhere between a fish and a humanoid. It also appears to have what looks like a string-like arm protruding from its body. Naturally, Miss Yegorovnam did what most would in the same situation and stored the alien in her fridge for two years, according to Unexplained Mysteries. The website reported that two men turned up at her home a few days ago and confiscated the corpse for investigative purposes, claiming to be from the Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The footage was unearthed by noted paranormal writer and expert Michael Cohen. Cohen, 40, said: "This could be an elaborate hoax, however the possibility that this might be a genuine alien should not be discounted."
俄罗斯一名女性近日称,她在冰箱中冷冻了一具外星人尸体。此前,俄罗斯的西伯利亚地区出现过多起外星生命目击事件。 据报道,玛塔•叶戈罗夫纳姆把这一神秘的“生命躯壳”冷冻在冰箱中长达两年之久,这处住所位于俄罗斯西部城市彼得罗扎沃茨克,而且她还拍摄了五张照片留证。 有报道称,2009年,叶戈罗夫纳姆小姐在其避暑别墅附近的UFO坠毁现场取回了这具“尸体”。这已经是近几个月来俄罗斯的第三起外星人目击事件。 她说,她走近燃烧的残骸,金属材料严重变形,掀起的热浪难以忍受,外星人的尸体就躺在变形的残骸附近。 “外星人”长约2英尺,头部巨大,长着大大的球状双眼,外貌看起来介于鱼类和人类之间。 它的身体外凸出的胳膊像绳子一样细长。 据“难解之谜”网站报道,叶戈罗夫纳姆小姐很自然地做了在当时的情况下大多数人都会做的事,把尸体冷冻在冰箱里长达两年之久。 该网站报道,几天前,有两名自称来自俄罗斯科学研究院卡累利阿研究中心的男子来到叶戈罗夫纳姆的家,以研究为由将这具尸体没收。 著名超自然现象作家兼专家迈克尔•科恩发现了这些照片。 40岁的科恩说:“这可能是一场精心编排的骗局,不过也不能排除这的确是一具外星人尸体的可能。”