More and more college students are becoming bloggers. They keep blogs to note down what happens to them, to describe their emotions and feelings, and to express opinions on current affairs. There are different views regarding this phenomenon. Some people think it's a good idea for college students to keep a blog. They say blogs do not only provide an outlet for the students' inner feelings like traditional diaries, but also provide a channel through which young people can communicate with one another. Others think differently. They are afraid that some students have spent too much time on their blogs, trying hard to win clicks and replies. Therefore both their academic work and their everyday interpersonal relationships may suffer. In my opinion, both views are reasonable. While writing blogs are advisable, the students also need to be aware of its potential shortcomings.
越来越多的大学生开始写博客了。他们用博客来记录身边发生的事情,描述情感,并且表达对时事的看法。对于这种现象有不同的看法。一些人认为大学生写博客是一件好事,认为博客像传统的日记一样不仅为学生提供了一种发泄内心感情的方式,而且提供了一种供年轻人互相交流的渠道。另外一些人看法正好相反,他们担心学生花太多的时间在他们的博客上,来获得点击率和回复。这样导致他们的学业和人与人之间的关系受到影响。我认为这两种看法都是合理的。学生们写博客是可取的,但也要意识到其潜在的问题。 ——译文来自: doc_sgl