29 year-old barber Ismail Akbaba offers an unusual shave.Instead of holding the razor in his hand,Ismail prefers more of a show.As well as balancing on basketballs, he also likes to play the drums, leaving his mouth free to do the shaving.
29岁的理发师Ismail Akababa有着不同寻常的剃须绝活。不同于其他人只是拿着剃刀剃剃胡子就好,Ismail每次剃胡子都像是在做一场表演。稳稳地站在篮球上,手里拍打着小鼓,嘴里衔着剃须刀来剃胡子。他每次就是这样来为客人剃胡子的。
“I have already shaved a horse with my mouth.I can do all kinds of performances.If I had a chance, I'd love to shave someone while parachuting.Or maybe give a shave while hanging from a helicopter."
But Ismail's favorite trick is to use his feet.