So, Mr... Ferguson. Is it? Craig, yes.

Now, I understand that you're interested in applying for the position of our friend. That would be great. I...Uh...I'm very lonely.

Hold on. Hold on. I don't see why we need a new...Relax.There can be two foreign ones. Eh. I didn't know that. Go on.

So Craig, what do you do for a living? Excuse me. I have the clip board. I'll ask the questions.

So Craig, what do you do for a living? I host the late late show with Craig Ferguson. I see. And what time is that on? 12:37 a.m.
好的,Craig,你的工作是?我主持Craig Ferguson的晚场表演。好的,那么节目什么时间开始呢?12:37a.m.

Given that a.m. stands for ante meridiem, wouldn't it more logically be called the early early show with Craig Ferguson? I don't know.
A.M在拉丁语中表示中午之前,这个节目改名叫Craig Ferguson的早场表演会不会更符合逻辑呢?我不知道。

The answer is yes. Minus 8 points. I didn't know there was going to be a test. Then you're really not going to like the physical.
