Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Way



要使当前我国的社会就业问题得到妥善解决,归根到底有待于在经济增长过程中不断地创造出新的工作岗位。如果无法增加新的工作岗位,那么即使人口增 长率很低,只要采用了新技术,对劳动力的需要仍会减少。但怎样才能增加新工作岗位呢?这里涉及社会主义制度下多种经济成分并存、社会主义公有制多种形式并 存的问题,也涉及经济管理体制、技术创新类型、国民经济各部门比例关系以及经济增长速度等问题。这些方面的问题不是本文所要探讨的内容。本文所要讨论的 是:假定通过所有制形式、体制、比例关系等方面的调整和改革,假定国民经济有较大幅度的增长,确实创造出相当多的新工作岗位,我国的社会就业问题能否得到 解决呢?如果考虑到我国社会就业问题的“结构性”,那么可以断言,在教育事业没有相应的发展、教育结构未作相应的调整的条件下,劳动力结构与经济结构之间 不相适应的情况是不会消除的。“人找事”和“事找人”的矛盾将会长期存在。教育对于解决就业问题的重要作用,正在于它有助于解决这一矛盾。
The solution to our nation’s employment problems, in the final analysis, is to create a constant supply of new jobs to keep pace with economic growth. If we cannot create new jobs, the need for labor will shrink with the adoption of new technology, even if population growth is kept at a low level. How to create new jobs? This involves the diverse economic sectors and forms of public ownership under the socialist system, as well as such factors as economic administration, various types of technical innovation, and the ratios between sectors and economic growth rate. These issues, however, are beyond the scope of this study. The topic at hand is this: Supposing substantial numbers of new jobs are created by readjusting and revamping the ownership structure, the economic system and the ratios between economic sectors, and by riding the nation’s robust economic growth, can the nation come to grips with its employment problems? Given the “structural” nature of employment in our country, we can assert categorically that the disparity between the structure of the workforce and that of the national economy will never be eradicated without corresponding development in education and without restructuring the education system. The dilemma between “people hunting for jobs” and “jobs seeking takers, ”too, will remain for a long time to come. The important role of education in tackling employment problems rests precisely on its ability to deliver the nation from that dilemma.

发展教育事业和增加对教育事业的支出,可以使劳动力的结构适合于经济增长对不同技术水平和不同工种的劳动力的需要。在这里,重要的问题是使教育的 结构同经济增长速度、经济结构的变化相适应,根据长期经济增长的需要来调整各种类型学校的设置、各种专业的设置, 以及作出各种不同学习期限的安排。从长期考察,不外乎以下两种可能性。一种可能性是:从长期看,待业人数和未来新达到就业年龄的人数之和可能小于预计的职 位空缺额,那么调整的重点将放在进一步提高教育水平、提高劳动力质量上,使每一个受过教育或训练的劳动力能发挥更大的作用,从而提高劳动生产率,进一步推 动新技术的采用和推广。这样,既可以适应经济增长的需要,又可以减少职位的空缺额。另一种可能性是:从长期看,待业人数和未来新达到就业年龄的人数之和可 能大于预计的职位空缺额,那么调整时应当是提高与普及并重,既为国民经济培养有较高水平的专家,又使大量待业者有一技之长,便于找到合适的工作。这时,除 了有必要进一步调整经济结构,以便增加职位空缺额以外,特别应注意发展中等技术和职业教育,给待业者以就业训练。还可以适当地延长在校学生的学习期限,一 方面减少准备加入就业者行列的人数,另一方面提高他们的文化技术水平,以适应今后经济增长的需要。换句话说,与其让青年人在无技术、少知识的情况下待业, 不如让他们多学习些知识与技能。
Developing education and spending more on it can help dovetail the workforce structure with a growing economy’s need for workers at different technical levels and in different fields of work. To achieve that end, we have got to adapt our educational structure to the changing economic growth rate and structure, and act on the long-term need of economic growth to readjust the categories of schools and the setup of academic programs, and to variegate the schooling terms. Long years of observation reveal two options in this regard. In the first option, when existing and prospective job-seekers are not outnumbered by anticipated unfilled job vacancies, the main thrust of our effort can be directed at further improving education and raising workforce quality, so that every worker that has been educated or trained can qualify for more demanding jobs, thereby enhancing labor productivity and further promoting the adoption of new technology. In this way, not only can the needs of economic growth be met, but the number of unfilled job vacancies can be curtailed as well. In the other option, when the total number of existing and prospective job-hunters outgrows the anticipated number of unfilled job vacancies, we can lay equal stress on improving and universalizing education, so that more high-caliber professionals can be cultivated for the national economy while legions of job-waiters are tooled with one kind of skill or another to qualify for suitable jobs. To achieve this end, apart from further restructuring the economy to increase job vacancies, attention should also be paid to developing secondary technical and vocational education so as to put more jobseekers through training. The school term for students can be lengthened so as to curtail the number of prospective job hunters and better prepare students culturally and technically for future economic growth needs. In other words, we would rather let our youngsters learn more knowledge and skill than keep them waiting for jobs when they are ill prepared in both skill and knowledge.

As things stand today, it is believed the second option is more workable for China for a long time to come. Thus, in education development and reform, we cannot go single-mindedly after improvement to the neglect of the role of education in tackling the “structural” employment problem.

在这里,还应当注意到,教育结构调整不是一劳永逸的。一方面,经济增长本身要求教育部门输送大批有一定技术文化水平的、适应经济增长需要的劳动 者,否则经济增长很难稳定地、持续地进行下去;另一方面,随着经济的增长,部门结构和地区结构总是处在不断变动之中,技术构成状况也会不断发生变化,这就 要求教育结构相应地与之配合。一定的国民经济发展水平是与一定的教育结构相适应的,前者变动了,后者必须随之变动。这也是我国在制定长期人力资源规划时应 当考虑的一个方面。
We should also remember that education reform cannot be accomplished overnight. For one thing, economic growth itself demands that our schools supply large numbers of well-educated and skilled workers who measure up to its needs. Failing this, stable and sustainable economic growth will be out of the question. For another, the economy’s ever-changing sectoral, regional and technological structures call for the adaptation of the education system. A certain level of national economic development is always consistent with a certain structure of education, with the latter changing in sync with the former. This fact should be considered when mapping out longterm national human resource plans.





 厉以宁(著) 凌原(译)
