Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Way



为什么同时又出现职位空缺?这主要是因为新兴的物质生产部门以及非物质生产领域内某些需要熟练劳动力的部门在劳动力结构与经济增长速度、经济结构 不适应的情况下,找不到所需要的劳动者,例如技术工人、工程技术人员、科学研究人员、管理人员等。即使是原有的物质生产部门,如果它们的经济增长主要依靠 采用新技术装备来实现,那么该部门内原来就业的劳动者也很可能不适合要求。因此这些部门也是缺少劳动力的。此外,职位空缺还可能出现于新发展的地区,因为 这些地区本身无法提供所需要的劳动力。这种情况在发展中国家也是很突出的,因为这些国家中,由于历史的原因,适应于工业化要求的熟练劳动力尤其缺乏。
Why, then, are there vacancies that remain unoccupied? This is because, when the workforce structure does not tally with the prevailing economic growth rate and economic structure, the rising industries in both material and nonmaterial production cannot find what they want badly: skilled workers and competent engineers, technicians, researchers, and managers. The same labor shortage can also occur in established industries in material production that maintain growth by relying heavily on new technology and equipment, so much so that even workers on their payrolls cannot measure up to what such new technology and equipment require of them. Seemingly unwanted jobs may also occur in newly developed places where required workers are in short supply. This is an outstanding problem with developing countries, where, for historical reasons, skilled workers that can keep pace with industrialization are scarce.

一般说来,国民经济中的失业人数与职位空缺额不可能恰好相符。二者之间的比率随一国经济增长率、经济结构变化情况和劳动力结构调整情况而异。但即 使失业人数与职位空缺额基本上相符,它们也不可能彼此抵消,因为在现代生产技术条件下,不同技术水平和工种的劳动力往往不可能替代。所以从长期趋势来看, 一国经济增长过程中,失业与职位空缺并存的现象不是暂时性的,而很可能是持久性的,即旧的失业人员就业了,职位空缺现象消失了,但新的失业人员又出现了, 新的职位空缺现象又产生了。失业(包括隐蔽失业)是人力资源的浪费,职位空缺是物质资源的浪费,失业与职位空缺的并存不仅不利于经济增长,而且将阻碍新技 术的采用和推广,阻碍经济结构的必要调整,使一国经济停留在长期低效率的状态。特别是失业的长期化还会成为社会不稳定的一个重要因素。
Generally speaking, the number of the jobless can never match the number of jobs awaiting them in a national economy. The ratio between the two numbers differs with the changes and readjustments in a nation’s economic growth rate and economic and workforce structure. However, even if the two numbers match each other, they cannot offset each other, because workers of different proficiency levels and fields of work are not interchangeable under modern production and technological conditions. In the long run, the coexistence of unemployment and unfilled job vacancies in a nation’s economic growth is not temporary, but, most probably, perpetual. That is to say, job vacancies may disappear when long-time job-seekers have found their jobs, but will occur again when new layoffs arrive on the scene. Unemployment, concealed unemployment included, is a waste of human resources, while job vacancies left unfilled are a waste of material resources – for them to exist at the same time is not only detrimental to economic growth, but also holds back the adoption and popularization of new technology and economic restructuring. The result is that the economy remains mired in low efficiency. Chronic joblessness can also be a major destabilizing factor for society.

In a nutshell, employment problems in a growing economy are attributable to the failure in reconciling the conflict between unemployment and unfilled job vacancies. Such is the “structural” nature of employment.

我国的社会就业问题是复杂的。当前我们面临的社会就业问题,既有属于上述一般经济增长过程中带有普遍性的问题,又有作为发展中国家在经济发展过程 中遇到的共同问题,还有我国所特有的问题。这三种问题是交织在一起的。属于一般经济增长过程中的问题,主要指先进机器使用和技术装备率提高后,物质生产部 门中对劳动力的需求相对减少、对非熟练劳动力的需求甚至绝对减少。属于发展中国家经济发展中的共同问题,主要指在从农业社会转向工业社会的过程中,从农业 中必然游离出大量非熟练劳动力,需要有就业岗位容纳他们。属于我国特有的问题,除了劳动管理体制不够完善以外,主要指十年动乱给国民经济造成了严重破坏, 比例失调,使得劳动就业门路十分狭窄。加上50年代末、60年代初人口增长过速,以致二十岁左右的青年人如今大批走上或即将走上工作岗位,如果就业问题不 能妥善解决,对社会和经济增长都是非常不利的。但与此同时,我国当前也存在熟练劳动力供给不足、在职人员劳动生产率低的问题。一方面许多待业青年没有工作 岗位,另一方面不少工作岗位找不到适合的工作人员。劳动力总资源等于劳动力数量与劳动者平均技术熟练水平(劳动力质量的主要标志)的乘积。就这个意义上 说,目前我国的劳动力总资源并不是十分丰富的,因为劳动力数量虽多,劳动者的平均技术熟练水平却比较低。
The employment problems confronting China are complicated. Some are universal to all economies, some are common to developing nations in economic development, but others are peculiarly China’s own. These three categories of employment problems are intertwined. The universal ones stem from the fact that the increasing use of sophisticated machines and technological equipment has whittled down producers’ need for workers, unskilled workers in particular. Those common to developing nations arise from the new job needs of large numbers of unskilled laborers that have just quit farming at the time of an agrarian society’s transition to industrialization. The employment problems peculiarly of China’s own are partly to be blamed on incompetent labor administration, but most of them are attributed to the lopsided economic development resulting from the ten-year chaos of the Cultural Revolution that considerably narrowed down people’s job options. These problems were aggravated by the excessive population growth in the late 1950s and the early 1960s. Today, those born in those years are coming of age or will soon become eligible for jobs. If the employment problems for these people cannot be properly handled, both society and the economy will be in jeopardy. The situation is also complicated by a dire shortage of skilled workers and the low labor productivity of those in their jobs. The dilemma facing China today is that while many jobseeking youths are having trouble finding jobs, factories, too, find it hard to fill jobs with qualified workers. A nation’s aggregate volume of labor resources are derived by multiplying the total number of workers with their average level of technical competency – the chief indicator of labor quality. In that sense, China’s aggregate volume of labor resources is by no means abundant because its workers’ average skill proficiency is low despite their sheer numbers.





 厉以宁(著) 凌原(译)
