Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Way



The role of education in economic growth

两年前,我在《技术教育和资本主义工业化:西欧和美国技术力量形成问题研究》一文(1978年北京大学“五四”科学讨论会上的报告,发表于《社会 科学战线》1978年第4期)中,曾从经济史的角度对教育同经济增长的关系作过一些分析。在那篇文章里,我所着重考察的是:教育是培养一国技术力量的主要 途径;后进国家提高经济增长率以及在经济上赶上和超过先进国家的原因之一就是重视教育、重视人才的培养。关于教育在经济增长中的作用,在该文中归纳为以下 五点:
In my speech “Technology education and capitalist industrialization: a study of the rise of technological power in Western Europe and America,” I dwelled on the relationship between education and economic growth in light of economic history. What I was driving at was that education is a major recourse for nations to groom technological personnel, and that only by putting a premium on education and the cultivation of talents can less developed nations boost their economic growth rates and catch up with and surpass the developed countries. As I put it in that speech, the role of education in economic growth has five aspects:

“ First, education provides society with a supply of researchers and designers who can venture into the unknown, innovating in science, renovating and transforming productive technology. Without such contingents, the best a nation can do is to tag along after other nations, but in that way you cannot score major breakthroughs in science and technology.

“Second, education provides society with engineers and technicians who can master and apply advanced means of production. Without such technocrats, even if a nation has acquired sophisticated tools of production, it cannot put them to best use.

”Third, education brings forth production and technology managers well adapted to society’s level of industrialization. Without teams of such managers, the production process can be prone to colossal waste in human, material and financial resources, making it impossible to benefit from the superiority of advanced productive technology.

“Fourth, education enhances society’s scientific and cultural attainment, and sets the stage for promoting new products and disseminating and upgrading knowledge in science and technology. At the same time, education also lays the groundwork for the future growth of a nation’s technological prowess, and guarantees the supply of a constant stream of high-caliber researchers, engineers and managers, and skilled workers.

”Fifth, education enables society to preserve and disseminate its accumulation of scientific knowledge and productive experience free from barriers of time and space and national boundaries. It is through education that such accumulated knowledge and experience are spread from one nation to another and from one generation to another as humanity’s shared assets.”

本文以两年前发表的那篇文章为基础,继续考察教育同经济增长的关系。但这两篇文章的着重点有所不同。前一篇文章分析教育在促进一国经济增长和提高 经济增长率方面的重要作用,本文分析教育在保证一国经济稳定、持续增长,以及有效地解决经济增长过程中发生的或可能发生的各种问题方面的重要作用。换言 之,前一篇文章考察的范围在于经济增长本身,本文考察的范围在于稳定、持续经济增长过程中的社会就业、国际收支、收入分配、财政平衡等问题。此外,前一篇 文章是从西欧和美国经济史的角度进行考察的,本文则以当前我国社会主义经济作为考察的对象。
I would like to go on with my observation of the relationship between education and economic growth on the basis of the speech I made and published two years ago. However, this paper has a different focus. While in my previous speech I looked into the major role education plays in expanding the economy and raising its growth rate, this paper underlines education’s important role in ensuring economic stability and sustained growth, and in providing effective solutions to problems that have occurred or may occur in the process of economic growth. In other words, my previous speech was about economic growth per se, whereas this paper is a study of employment, balance of international payments, income distribution, financial balance and other issues occurring in the process of stabilizing and sustaining economic growth. Furthermore, while my previous speech proceeded from the perspective of the economic history of Western Europe and America, this paper takes China’s socialist economy as its focus and background.

This paper is delivered in four sections dealing respectively with education’s relationship with employment, balance of international payments, income distribution, and fiscal balance, so as to illustrate education’s role in guaranteeing economic stability and sustained growth.





 厉以宁(著) 凌原(译)
