原文标题:Asteroid close encounter with earth, no threat
官网日期:11-09-2011 14:50 BJT

asteroid / Asteroid 2005 YU 55
23:28 GMT



A black asteroid as big as an aircraft carrier has passed close by to Earth, but experts say it poses no threat to our planet, or the moon. About 400 meters in diameter, Asteroid 2005 YU 55 is the biggest asteroid to pass close to Earth since 1976. The asteroid was at its nearest distance from the Earth at 23:28 GMT when it entered the orbit of the moon, about 322,000 kilometers from the planet. Thousands of professional and amateur astronomers tracked the asteroid with telescopes, seeking to learn more about its composition and how fast it spins and where it came from. According to a NASA spokesman, computer models simulating the asteroid's path show that there's no chance that it will hit Earth or the moon during the next 100 years.
一颗约略和航空母舰一般大小、如木炭般漆黑的小行星近距离掠过地球,但专家表明此颗小星球不会对我们地球或月球带来威胁。 自1976年以来,这颗代号为“2005 YU55”的行星是最大的一颗近距离掠过地球的小行星,它的直径约400米。格林尼治标准时间23:28,当该小行星进入月球运行轨道时,和地球最近时仅32.2万公里。 成千上万的专业和业余天文学家通过望远镜追踪的此颗小行星,试图了解更多关于它的成分、运行时速,以及它的来源。 美国宇航局 (NASA)表示,通过计算机仿真小行星运行路径,显示这颗小行星在未来100年内都不可能撞击地球或月球。