

This is the first seminar in preparation for our archaeological fieldwork in Namibia. We are fantastically lucky to have received partial research funding for this trip from our institute, so I shall expect 200% attention and participation from you all. First in this seminar, I'm going to give a brief introduction to contemporary research on rock art, and in the second part I'm going to give you some do's and don'ts for our fieldwork trip in April, so please listen very carefully. I'm first going to focus on the interpretation of rock art in Namibia. We are very fortunate to be going to an area where you can find some of the most important sites in the entire world. And I hope to show you how easy it is for everyone to make mistakes in looking at cultures which are different from our own, the first and most important lesson we have to learn.
纳米比亚野外考古研讨会现在开始。非常幸运的是,学院为我们这次考察之行提供了部分研究资金,因此我希望大家能够以百分之二百的热情去关注和参加。在这次研讨会上,我想先针对当代岩石艺术给大家做个简单的介绍,然后跟大家说一下关于四月份野外考察之行的注意事项,请大家认真听。 首先我打算重点解释一下纳米比亚的岩石艺术。我们很幸运能够纳米比亚,因为那里有世界上最重要的古遗址之一。我很想让你们明白,当面对一个和自己完全不同的文化世界时,犯错是多么的在所难免,这是我们要学的第一课,也是最重要的一课。 ——译文来自: Firerosie