"Sugar Daddy Parties"
New York
Daily Telegraph
Seeking Arrangement
Brandon Wade

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Events that offer to set up wealthy older men with young cash-strapped women, dubbed "Sugar Daddy Parties", are about to hit Britain after becoming popular in the US The parties have been hosted at swanky New York cocktail bars, where the "daddies" discuss fees for future dates with the women who take their fancy -- and its organisers are now seeking London venues. The "matchmakers" justify the events by insisting that all participants are consenting adults and nobody has to do anything they don't want to but critics say the parties are bordering on prostitution. And the scenes from New York venues that have hosted the get-togethers, showing pretty young women hanging off the arms off much older men only add to the sleaziness factor. On average, fees of $500 per date is said to be common in the US, but arrangements worth between $10,000 and $20,000 per month have also been agreed upon in the past, according to its organiser. Despite denying that they're encouraging prostitution, organisers say the women are usually aged in their late teens or early 20s and are seeking money to pay for university fees or a more glamorous lifestyle. And they say there are already thousands of British "sugar babies" waiting to meet "daddies", according to the Daily Telegraph. The chief executive of the company Seeking Arrangement, Brandon Wade, told the newspaper: "We have perfected our parties and are now ready to launch in even bigger markets like London. We are due to start in early 2012."
美国声名鹊起的“糖果老爹派对”正准备向英国进军。派对主要为缺钱的年轻女性和多金老男牵线搭桥。 派对曾在纽约时髦的鸡尾酒吧举办,“糖果老爹”在那里和他们喜欢的美女讲价。目前,活动组织者把目光投向了伦敦市场。 组织活动者坚称所有的参与者都是自愿参加的成年人,“不会强迫任何人做他们不喜欢的事情”,但有批评人士指出这种派对简直就是拉皮条。 纽约的派对现场更让人感觉低级庸俗,随处可见年轻美女和老男人勾肩搭背。 组织者称,在美国平均每次约会费用是500美元,不过每个月的约会费达到一两万美元的也不少见。 派对主办方否认鼓励卖淫,但他们也承认参加派对的女性一般在20岁左右,要么想挣钱交学费,要么想过上奢华的生活。 据《每日电讯报》报道,“排队候场”的英国“糖果宝贝”已达数千人。 “求包养公司”主管布兰登•韦德告诉该报:“我们的派对已经很成熟,目前准备进军伦敦等地市场。” “预计将在2012年初开始。”