三个人开始同一阵营咯~ 真是和谐的一段话呢….(*^__^*)

老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...

Damon: How did he get in?
Elena: He was invited in.
Stefan: He posed as a pizza delivery guy last night.
Damon: Well, he gets points for that. Did he say what he wanted?
Elena: No. _______1_______
Stefan: ________2_________
Damon: No. Don't look at me like that. _______3_______
Elena: You think there's more than one?
Damon: We don't know.
Stefan: Damon, he was invited in.
Damon: Then we go get him tonight. You up for it?
Elena: _______4________
Damon: Let your boyfriend take you to the dance. We'll see who shows up.
Stefan: That's a bad idea.
Damon: Till we get him, this house isn't safe. For anyone who lives in it. It's worth a shot.
Elena: I'll do it. I'll be with the two of you. I'll be safe.
He was too busy trying to kill me. And you have no idea who this is? I told you we had company. What do I have to do?
Damon:他怎么进来的? Elena:被请进来的。他昨晚扮作送披萨的。 Damon:呃,好点子。他说他要什么了么? Elena:没,他只想对我痛下杀手。 Stefan:你也不知道这个人是谁吗? Damon:不知道。别那么看着我。我告诉你了我们有同类的。 Elena:你们觉得还不止这一个? Damon:我们也不知道。 Stefan:Damon,他是被请进门的。 Damon:那我们今晚就抓住他。你去吗? up for: 打算,准备 Elena:我要做什么? Damon:让你男友带你去舞会,谁来了到时自见分晓。 Stefan:这主意不好。 Damon:抓到他之前这房子就不会安全。谁住这里都不安全。值得一试。 Elena:我要去。我和你俩在一起,就很安全。